Daily Habits

Daily Habits

At Board and Batten, we know that a balanced lifestyle is key to living less stressed and well, less stress, means healthier skin.  We are what we do daily and small changes can have big impacts on our life.  Here are a few tips on how to stay encouraged while making daily lifestyle changes.

REPLACE -  If you are trying to change a bad habit, you simply cannot remove it, it must be replaced.  Conscious steps must be taken to replace the bad with the good.  For instance replace the TV remote with a good book,  happy hour with a photography class, or  social media with an informative podcast.

START OFTEN – You can never do habitually but you have never done once.  We all have good intentions, especially starting a new year, but until we take that first step, we will not experience the change we are looking for.  Or, perhaps you got off to a great start then got off track…start again!  Success is taking one day at a time and starting 1,000 times.

CELEBRATE THE BITS -  Our culture wants to celebrate the leaps, fatigue sets in when we do not see immediate progress.  Change starts bit by bit.  Keep a journal and take notice of small change because that is progress!

LET GO OF SETBACKS – When you lose momentum or experience a setback, which is normal, let go and start again.   We all can be too hard on ourselves and dwell on our mistakes. Do not give failure more time, energy, or space. Move forward, start often. 

Keep these tips close by to help you stay on track towards a balanced and healthy lifestyle!  Tell us how you stay encouraged while making healthy habit changes in the comments below or email us at hello@farmtoskin.com.



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